Capital Campaign: $1.75 million down payment for Phase 1

“...behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it...” Revelation 3:8b
Welcome to Millersville Christian Academy.

Millersville Christian Academy (MCA) is honored and priveleged to partner with our parents and wholly invest in each student's life. Our desire is to provide a great Christian education through a rigorous curriculum fully integrated with the Bible, God’s Holy Word. God calls us to be sanctified, set apart. We, at MCA, fully believe that - as Christians - people should be able to see through our actions that we are in the world but not of it. That message rings through the lives of our staffers, down our hallways, and into our classrooms. So, we extend a warm welcome and an invitation for you to come to The School at the Cross.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” -- Romans 12:2
Think, learn and
live for Jesus Christ.
Millersville Christian Academy is committed to lead students to a deep and personal knowledge of Christ and His Word, instruct students in order to achieve the highest levels of scholarship, and encourage students to accomplish God’s eternal purposes.
Learning Biblically.
"Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well, the end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal Life, John 17:3, and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning."
Harvard College, 1643
Apply Now.
Ready to apply to Millersville Christian Academy? If so, please click the link below to learn how your child can join the Millersville Christian Academy family.