Our Academics.

Millersville Christian Academy has a full curriculum for all subjects including math, science, social studies, language arts, writing, Bible, physical education, art, and music. All core curriculum will be aligned to standards which will enable success on nationally normed assessments. All core curriculum will also be infused with full Bible integration. At MCA, your child will have an excellent academic preparation along with the extra advantages of Bible instruction and every subject taught from a God-centered point of view. If you have questions on our academic curriculum, contact us at (828) 352-9600 or info@millersvillechristianacademy.org.

Millersville Christian Academy will utilize six blocks for the following subjects and utilize Bob Jones University Press curriculum:


The Bible Truths series gives your child an understanding of the timeless truths of the Bible and challenges each to apply them. From a complete study of the life of Christ to a factual study of every major Old Testament character, the early church, and the themes and topics of the Christian life, Bible Truths builds a foundation for a growing, maturing walk with God.

Heritage Studies (Social Studies)

From Creation and the ancient world to modern-day studies, the Heritage Studies materials will build a thorough understanding of world geography, culture, politics, and the founding and growth of the United States. Lessons clearly present God's sovereign hand, and godly men and women are held high.


While studying science from a biblical viewpoint, your child will explore God's creation, investigating the far reaches of the universe, the structure and inhabitants of the earth, and the workings of cells and atomic reactions. Your child will see God's orderliness in both physical and biological systems.


We will strengthen your child’s reasoning and problem-solving skills and develop his/her understanding of math as a tool of commerce, the language of science, and a means for solving everyday problems. Your child will see the relevance of math and its biblical basis from beginning to end.

Language Arts

English, Phonics, Spelling, Reading, Literature & Writing
English, writing, grammar - Few skills are more essential today than effective communication. Your child’s analytical abilities will grow as they expand their vocabulary and learn to use words in context. He/She will learn how to read literature in the light of biblical truth and how to deal biblically with objectionable elements. We will teach an appreciation for literary techniques in Scripture, while presenting a variety of genres from a range of cultures, and developing critical thinking skills.

Handwriting - Clear, legible handwriting is important for your child's success in school and in his/her future career. We will teach how to maintain consistent slant, readable spacing, and neatness as they write. Since the adjustment from "circle and stick" print to cursive is often difficult for children, we will utilize a pre-cursive style that guides the natural slant of your child's writing and builds a foundation for forming cursive letters. Each handwriting book has a theme that provides interesting activities to do for practice. In the early grades, handwriting practice parallels the letters and sounds that your child is learning in his reading lessons.

Literature - We will teach your child to read for wisdom and enrichment as well as for pleasure. Each literature book includes a broad range of literary selections from different cultures, genres, and time periods. In addition to studying literary elements and interpretation, your child will learn how to read literature in the light of biblical truth and how to deal with objectionable elements.

Reading - We will engage your child with a variety of character-building stories and classical literature selections. We will emphasize reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, and vocabulary enrichment.

Spelling - Knowing how to spell words correctly and use them in context is key to success in school, in the workplace, and in life. We will teach students about word relationships and structural patterns, introducing a manageable spelling list of relevant words each week. Practice tests and reinforcement activities build student confidence for each test.

Vocabulary – We will show how languages such as Greek and Latin have contributed to modern English. Games, puzzles, and reinforcement activities keep your child's interest while building his/her vocabulary.

Non-Core (PE, Music, Art & CTE)

We will provide non-academic courses in which our students will receive a well-rounded combination of music, art, and physical education.

We will offer a robust, challenging curriculum with excellent teachers dedicated to developing the whole child. Our initial school year (2018 – 2019) ushered students from kindergarten through Grade 3.

Each subsequent year since, we have added one grade and plan to continue this through Grade 12. Therefore, the Grade 3 students who began with us, will – by God’s grace – graduate with us and be qualified to go to any secondary school of their choice.


Contact Admissions.

  • 828.352.9600
  • 828.352.9783
  • info@millersvillechristianacademy.org